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MAJOR Account Goal ✅
As the title states, the biggest account goal I set for myself this year has been achieved 5 months early.

At the beginning of the year, my taxable account was sitting just under &7,500. Teetering each day at that number depending on how the market was swinging. I set a goal for myself to get my taxable account to the $10,000 mark by the end of the year.

And would you look at what’s been completed. Picking up some nice overtime at work, without draining myself of course, that account opened today at $10,032. And it was done with 5 months still left in the year.

With that, my contributions to that account will slow as I shift my focus to my IRA to take full advantage in attempting to max that out (which I have yet to do once in my life) and enjoy those tax benefits that come along with it.

A lot of this progress also comes for you guys. I’m about 2 years into my investing journey and still have a lot to learn and mistakes to be made. But reading everyone’s articles, the responses to my questions, and the overall feedback from the community has given me the ability to shift my accounts from my rookie mistakes, into a strong foundation that’s only grown these few months.

So thank you all, and here’s to goals being checked off 🍻

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