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Invest in the Future
I firmly believe that investment decisions should be made based on where the world is going, not where the world is coming from. Imagine 10-15 years ago you invested in phone books instead of Google. The past does not always predict the future.

Tony Seba is a futurist, and from the predictions he's made over the past 10-15 years surrounding EV's, energy, and agriculture, you'd think he has a crystal ball. If you're curious where the future might be headed over the next decade, and looking for ideas in how to invest in that future, check out the video below. I promise you this video is well worth your time, and I suspect it will age well.

Look forward, not back.

Rethinking Humanity - a Film by RethinkX
Humanity is on the brink of existential transformation, but we’re blind to the deeper processes of change. To recognize the mind-blowing possibility space of...

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