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So inflation is showing signs of rolling and it’s all bullish for markets right? Not so fast, because when one door shits another one opens… While the big theme for 2022 was inflation, the big theme for next year could be a recession.

Part of what the Fed has been trying to do with rate hikes is to crush demand enough for prices to stop rising, and JPow has said he would rather tighten too much to crush inflation once and for all (and potentially induce a recession) than tighten too little and have the problem persist.

Consumer bank accounts have been dwindling and credit card debt spiking as higher prices cut into the excess liquidity poured into the financial system during the several rounds of stimulus. And when that gets run through while the labor market also rolls it could get ugly.

Here’s some explanation in more detail:
GRIT | Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA | Substack
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Jon Bond's avatar
great letter
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