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Quality of $NFLX Originals
Lately the quality of Netflix Originals has been down the drain, i'm going to go through a few recent titles and explain why I believe Netflix is in a bad position, from a consumer standpoint.

The Latest - Resident Evil
Rating : 53% (Rotten Tomatoes)

“While Resident Evil comes closer than previous adaptations to honoring the beloved video games' labyrinthine lore, this zombie serial could still use more brains.”

The Resident Evil games are among the top in the industry, Netflix had an amazing IP to work with and couldn't perform.


The Anime - Cowboy Bebop

Rating : 46% (Rotten Tomatoes)

“Maybe next time, Space Cowboy -- this live-action Bebop has a fun enough crew to spend time with, but it disappointingly replaces the soulfulness of the source material with kitsch.”

The classic Cowboy Bebop anime has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.


Upcoming - Yu Yu Hakusho

Can't find a rating on the main series, but another beloved classic anime series that will soon get it's live action remake.

Upcoming - One Piece

Classic Rating : 8.8 (IMDb)

Yet another anime adaptation in production, the budget for each episode on this on being 9-10 million bucks.

What Netflix isn't realizing is that many fans of the original franchises do not enjoy the live action adaptations. I'm not sure why they want to keep trying to push these projects out. In my opinion, the style of anime and the tone cannot be matched by a live action adaptation, it looks unnatural. The reason the game adaptations don't make it is because they take a generic movie that's the same genre as the game and then slap the games properties onto it, this is only getting the fans to watch an episode and realizing it's not as good as the game, as well as driving away people who may have wanted to watch it but are uninterested in whatever is being adapted to a show. Netflix was doing really well for a while with their originals too.

Netflix has also gotten shows taken off of the service because the show went to another service, there used to be a lot more content that is now on hulu, hbo max, disney+, etc.

That's all I got, hopefully Netflix realizes this isn't working out for them and can get back to what was working well.

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