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Quick $ADBE Valuation
Did some quick pros and cons on $ADBE today due to the recent pullback.

This is a high-level, numbers only type of valuation. I didn't take the business or management into account.


Great cash flow and low capex. R&D is really the capex here, but it's still growing perfectly along with revenues.

$ADBE also requires very little reinvestment and only requires 5% of FCF back into the biz.

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FCF has compounded steadily at 19% CAGR.

ROIC has been consistently very high, but in part due to limited reinvestment.

The stock has compounded at a stunning 29% CAGR, even with the recent drawdown.

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Stock-based compensation accounts for 15% of FCF.

My preference would be 10%, but luckily it's getting lower every year.

Most cash deployments have been acquisitions and buybacks, but annual stock issuances hinder buyback effectiveness.

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Goodwill makes up nearly half the assets, and almost as much as the equity base.

Over the last 5 years, value ratios have steadily risen above 40 P/FCF and up to 60 P/FCF.

Quite pricey indeed.

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Here's my base case DCF.

FCF growth starts at 19% and continues to decline slowly.

With a 15% discount rate (my required rate of return) and no buybacks, $ADBE is worth $491.36, or a 1.3% CAGR.

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FCF Growth

In the same scenario, no dividends are assumed, and P/FCF is estimated at 25, $ADBE may offer a 12% CAGR.

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It's pretty obvious most people consider $ADBE a growth stock.

Personally, I don't like to bank on growth without a baseline for rewards (meaningful buybacks, dividends, etc.).

The margin of error in my valuation is too wide, so I need to do more research.

Feedback welcome!

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