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My thoughts on loan forgiveness
  1. I dont think it will cause the amount of inflation everybody on fintweet is panicking about if any at all. Why? First these loans hadnt been payed for 2+ years now so is not like the people getting the forgiveness all of the sudden have extra monthly cash flow to spend. Also, on top of that the 10k is spread over the life of the loan, so even after payment resume the effects are not felt in terms of purchasing power. Is not like when the stimulus checks put both the market and consumer demand on overdrive over a short period of time
  2. When compared to other types of loan forgiveness that go to people that need it the least, I think this will be a net good.
  3. Unfortunately it doesnt fix the root issue. I would've preferred for Biden to make Student Debt dismissible by bankruptcy. I think this would force the market to either increase the value of education through innovative alternatives, lower the cost of tuition for those majors that dont have enough ROI, and lower the number of loans given for these majors

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