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Introducing the new Commonstock feed!
You might have noticed some things looking a little different when logging into Commonstock today. We've launched a new home page feed, which shows you the best of what's happening on Commonstock, sorted by what's been upvoted the most (upvotes are equivalent to Likes).

Post media

Why did we make this change?
There's a ton of great content posted to Commonstock every day, but for many of us, we miss it because we don't follow the author or it quickly is replaced with other posts and memos. Since the old feed was primarily based on who you were following, there was a lot of great stuff that no one was seeing.

How is it sorted?
Content in this feed can be sorted in two ways: Top and New.

Top content is initially what has been upvoted the most (though we'll be highlighting things with tons of comments/discussions too).

New is sorted by when it was posted.
You can also look at it in various timeframes (Recent, Past Week, Past Month...).

Can I see the content from JUST who I follow?
Absolutely. We've moved (and improved) the old feed into the Following tab. This feed will only show you content from who you follow and what assets you own.

Are there more changes coming to the feed?
This is the first of several planned changes over the next few months to improve how content is discovered on Commonstock (yes, we're working on ways to filter out asset classes you aren't interested in).

Hope you enjoy it! As always, send feedback!

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