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Stock Pick #25: Our Moonshot
This week was @brianferoldi turn to pick and he's shoot for the moon with Novocure $NVCR. We say that b/c this pick is highly reliant on future FDA approvals. Here's what you need to know about this company trying to bring significant advancements to cancer treatment.

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In treating glioblastoma, it has clear advantages in prolonging life

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Because it is the only TTF treatment available, and has patents, there are switching costs and intangibles to note
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Revenue growth has been slow, but mainly b/c all of the glioblastoma patients who want the treatment have it. We're waiting on...
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Future applications
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There are more than a few risks to note

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Overall, here's what we'll be watching. Note: #1 is 10X more important than the other three combined

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What do YOU think of this purchase?
26%Is too speculative for me
73%Potential makes it worth risk

30 VotesPoll ended on: 11/15/2022

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