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Why I own $AMZN
For a very long time I refused to own Amazon. Admittedly, my reasons for not owning were more emotional than logical so I have recently decided to own it instead of grumbling every time I see it go up. I entered on a technical setup Dec. 28th after it broke out of a triangle pattern.

One of the reasons I was anti-AMZN is its large share price. It makes it more difficult for me to scale into and out of the position since I can't own as many shares. It also makes it a larger percentage of my portfolio than I am typically comfortable with. These are not great reasons to NOT own AMZN. The stock can still make me plenty of money despite these reasons.

What gets me excited about AMZN
AMZN has so many opportunities for growth it is difficult to not own. They also generate tons of cash with prime membership feels that can further fuel growth.

They dominate online retail. I believe the online shopping trend was always coming but was significantly accelerated with COVID.

Video streaming is another key growth area for AMZN and having Prime video and Twitch, AMZN is poised to dominate here as well. This is another trend that was only accelerated by COVID.

AWS can also provide tons of growth. The cloud market is still growing and AMAN is a major player here.

What gets me nervous about AMZN
In one word, Legislation. For a number of years now it seems there is a growing concern with the size of the big tech companies. While these companies can argue their size is diversification, the pressure from DC may become a downside risk for AMZN. A big negative that comes to mind is legislative action that blocks AMZN from selling its own products on it's platform. Legislative action like that would be something that would make me strongly reconsider my investment.

I do not buy into the idea that AMZN will be hurt once COVID is finally behind us. There may be some rotation sure, but the strong hands will hold and it will continue to push higher IMO.

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