I was chatting with a fellow employee this week over lunch about what the future of Commonstock would look like. Of course, we have some wild ideas but I wanted to chat with all of you to get your vision of the future of Commonstock.
Some starting questions to get you thinking:
- What would be a valuable social interaction that you’d like to have at scale on Commonstock?
- How would Commonstock fit into your investing process at scale?
- What would valuable content look like at scale on Commonstock?
For me, I could imagine Commonstock like a live marketplace where users “hop” from asset to asset to follow the flow of information. Imagine a social media workspace or dashboard where you could see users capture their investment process in real time (asset discovery phase, asset research phase, the buys and sells that follow).
This is just my personal dream for Commonstock, not representative of how we will continue building.
I want to hear yours. Think big! Put them down in the comments! 🧵