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AppHarvest Chapter 11: Commonstock knew it was coming
Commonstock users knew AppHarvest was a struggling business. If you scroll back through the $APPH memos on Commonstock you will find some prescient takes from the community:

@paulcerro — "AppHarvest stock has received much fanfare and is priced way too high given its
future projections of everything working out according to plan. Given that AppHarvest is indeed a farm, it should be priced more like a farm instead of a tech company. Let’s be real, these guys are just selling tomatoes." — Paul Cerro, 7/23/21

@dissectmarkets — "Vertical farming is energy intensive. As the energy crisis roars worldwide, vertical farmers will experience a detrimental blow while regular farmers will be alright." — Dissecting the Markets, 9/6/22

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