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💸 Dividend Forecast - Week of 4/11 💸
Below are my incoming dividends for the week of 4/11.

I started using Track Your Dividends after a recommendation from @stock.owl and it is much cleaner than my spreadsheet. Highly recommend!

Taxable Brokerage:
$HASI - $0.38 per share, $0.39 total, cash
$O - $0.25 per share, $0.52 total, cash
$LEG - $0.42 per share, $2.58 total, cash

Roth IRA:
$HASI - $0.38 per share, $1.13 total, cash
$CTRE - $0.28 per share, $2.26 total, cash

Do you have any dividends coming in this week?
Track Your Dividends
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Track Your Dividends is a stock dividend tracker app that is the easiest way to manage your dividend portfolios and ditch your spreadsheet. Start tracking for free!

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