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Stay Vigilant blog is out!
Fresh from my long weekend away, the next edition of the Stay Vigilant blog is live.

I discuss the argument from the bulls (price action/technicals) vs. the bears (fundamentals). The turning point should hinge on the upcoming catalysts.

Please like, share and subscribe. Also, please let me know where you agree and disagree. Finally, let me know what you think of the new logo!

Most importantly, Stay Vigilant
#markets #investing #economy #stayvigilant
Inflection point
I got away for a few days of golf before the semester starts. It is an inflection point for me as I move from vacation mode to school mode. It is also an inflection point for the markets

Joey Hirendernath's avatar
@stayvigilant Love the logo your daughter created for Stay Vigilant! Very unique
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