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SentinelOne Quarterly Report
$S SentinelOne reported earnings yesterday, in which showed it accelerated growth:

Total revenue came in at 102M, up 124% YoY.
ARR grew a bit slower than total rev, it was up 122% to now account for 438M.

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Total customers increased greatly, at a 60% rate.
Interestingly, large customers more than doubled in the past year.
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SentinelOne reported a record Dollar Based Net Revenue Retention Rate, at 137%.

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Gross Margin increased 600bps.
Opearting expenses as a % of revenue trended down YoY.

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Operating margin was still highly negative, 106%.

Raised Guidance:

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Personal comment:
SentinelOne is still in hyper growth mode. The only thing that matters to them at the moment is top line growth and customer acquisition. It's encouraging to see the trend in operating expenses and the guided lower operating loss.
Still little to no debt, with 1.2bn in cash.
Something to keep an eye on is the high SBC.
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No position but watching closely.

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