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Scoreboard Buy of the Week - $KMB
Made my bi-weekly contribution on Friday, so that gave me another opportunity to buy in my Roth IRA.

Ticker: $KMB
Account: Roth IRA
Qty: 1
Price: $126.74
Date: 3/20/23

$KMB is tied for highest rated at 4.5/6. Tied with $HSY and $LOW. $KMB still holds the tie breaker as most underweight.

Taking from 8.0907 to 9.0907 shares.

10.9% allocation to 12.1%.

PADI from $230.09 to $234.71.

Scorecard Score 4.5/6
S&P Rank - +1. Average Cost Basis +3.42% vs S&P
FCF Rank - +1. DIV/FCF at 90.5%. Greater than 50%.
Conviction Rank - +0.5. Medium. Minimum growth potential, but growing dividend.
Dividend Yield - +0.5. Yield of 3.69% is greater than average of 2.61%, but less than top 5% of 5.85%.
Weighting - +1. Current position size is 10.9% vs target of 20%.
P/E - +1. P/E of 21.92 is less than 25.

I have a few more weeks of buying $KMB before I hit my target weighting. Should hit this target sometime in June.

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