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The Problem with CBDCs
CBDCs or Central Bank Digital Currencies, are governments' answer to maintaining control over currencies in a new digital era. That being said, however, means that the government is able to track any and all transactions, without worry of money "going by the wayside" because it exists in a completely digitized space whereby paper money no longer has a place. Obviously, this has the opportunity to create a lot of problems for people, and it seems that CBDCs are already doing exactly that. But this isn't the only issue, there are others, and in Brazil, people are discovering what those other implications are.

  • "A blockchain developer has reverse-engineered the code behind the Brazilian Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and discovered an unsettling feature: the government has built in the ability to freeze funds and adjust balances."

  • Magalhaes, who first published the discovery on his LinkedIn profile for “educational purposes,” first thought the function would only refer to DeFi or CeFi, “where it may be necessary to freeze the balances to complete a smart contract operation”—but said the official response was that the central bank can do it any time it wants.

  • Brazilians are scared, he said, due to the nation's financial history. In the 1990s, the country’s president froze finances for all Brazilians for 18 months.

While bringing currencies into the 21st century is great, a government maintaining complete, centralized control over it is not so great. As the adage goes, "absolute power corrupts absolutely," and centralization of currency is no different. CBDCs in a lot of ways are a response to decentralized currencies like $BTC.X, and time will ultimately tell how this all ends. Regardless, this story sheds light on why CBDCs are something that we should all question and not passively accept as the next iteration of currency.

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