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Moore's Law and $ASML
I watched a beautifully simple Half as Interesting video explaining how quantum tunneling will put a theoretical end to Moore's Law.

While I'm not smart enough to know if Moore's Law enabled ASML's run or if ASML's lithography enabled Moore's Law, it seems that the law's exponential growth is due to end -- a topic the Financial Times tackled in this informational article:

I'll fully admit to this being far outside of my wheelhouse -- and I'm saying by no means that ASML is in imminent danger (it is still a core holding for me) -- but I am curious what type of reimagining will be needed by the company, looking 10-20-30 years ahead.

I would be curious to hear your best ideas of where ASML, or this space in general, may be headed -- or if the market's current vote for $NVDA to take charge is the most likely winner over the long haul.

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