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How do you add to your winners?
Interested in any philosophies here. I guess just having a price target is the most important but would love other tips.

I always struggle with selling winners too early, while adding to my losers on dips 🙋🏼‍♂️

Josh Rozin's avatar
I'm with ya.

I always sell my winners far too early. For instance, I sold $BLNK at $18 and I sold $PLUG at $26. I don't regret it, though. I wasn't confident in $BLNK because I heard a lot of sketchy stuff happening with them but they were one of the only listed public companies for EV charging stations. For $PLUG , it was really just because I didn't have any price targets in mind. Overall, these are both at around $50 - $70 a share now.

Now, I would've loved to have held, obviously. I think it's a problem with me thinking "Oh this price is far too high" but "too high" is just conjecture when I say that. Looking back on this, I think it's incredibly illogical to base the value of what I'm holding on the share price itself, this is easily one of my weaknesses as I learn more about investing. I'd say look at market cap, look at the size of the market the company is trying to capture, then look at the growth potential there. As for adding to your losers, I'm still trying to learn this one, also. I'm definitely guilty of adding to investments when I don't have enough conviction. In a bull market, this has been not as harmful but I need to take time to reflect on this because we won't be in a bull market forever!
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