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Oliver Plass
Not your key, not your coins! #bitcoin // Architectural Drafter & Powerlifter // Bitcoin Maximalist 🧡₿丰
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Never say his bitcoin/sat number. Why?
These points alone should be the reason for this.

1 point - money/store of value
As Bitcoin continues to grow in network effect and people pay more and more with Bitcoin and adoption of Bitcoin progresses. Could Bitcoin also prevail as a currency. A currency possibly for the whole world, a world currency. (It could! Doesn't have to!)
People can store their energy and time in Bitcoin and use it as a store of value. If more and more people do this, it can also gain in value.

2 point - technology
Bitcoin is also a technology where you can build a lot on it. We can already do so much on Lightning and build on it. Currently it is just a drop of water on a hot stone. Lightning is just beginning. Taro is coming soon and Web5 is also planned. Smart contracts and sidechains are also being planned. Bitcoin has so many possibilities from the technology. We're still early and just beginning.

3 point - halving
Every four years there is a halving here the block rewards for the miners are halved. Miners currently get 6.25 Bitcoin. As of 2024, it will only be 3,125
Bitcoin. Of course, this also affects the Bitcoin price. Miners currently earn the most from block rewards. Later on the fees will increase and the rewards will decrease. Bitcoin is becoming more and more precious and rare for everyone. If we look at a block Rewards 2040 - 0.1953125 Bitcoin. Here you can already imagine what this amount of Bitcoin "can" be worth. If you see today what 6.25 Bitcoin are who. All rough estimates and only guesses.

4 point - limitation
We have a limit of 21 million pieces for Bitcoin. In the meantime there are much fewer around 14.5 million. Since many have also been lost, etc. We have 8-9 billion people in this world. You can break bitcoin down like 1 bitcoin = 100,000,000 sats. Later times you can break down 1 sat. What to do with hard money sooner or later. If you then said how many Bitcoin you have or sats, that could also be dangerous for you.

Other points: Rising inflation, Fiat money system etc.
Here you have to see in the future how the current system saves itself and gets through and how it goes on. If there were äto be a total crash and Bitcoin would prevail. You bragged about how many Bitcoin/Sats you have. This could also be very dangerous for you. Especially when rebuilding a system. It's all just speculation and reasoning. But if it should come to that. Do you have to be aware of this? That it involves risks.

The internet doesn't forget anything and you can find things out quickly. Even though you think you're safe and you can't track you.

We can also start from the scenario. Bitcoin is worth a lot and people know that you have a lot. Again, there is a risk here. Must be aware.

We can also say Bitcoin falls to 0 and is worth nothing. But if it doesn't and it increases or becomes important and we have done imprudent things before that. Would that later be dangerous for you?

So do me a favor and don't share your Bitcoin/Sats shares! I can only warn you. What you make of it is up to you.

It is not a purchase recommendation or investment advice. It is only intended to show you my personal opinion.



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