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In search of Emerging & established Strong Businesses with Strong potential and strong prospect within my #circleofcompetence... KEEP IT SIMPLE!
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which cybersecurity company is best in your opinion, not only product wise but the one having good financials and prospectus moving into the future?
Best cybersecurity company, if you can't find you choice below, please name in the comment. (And with reasons would be appreciable).
0%palo alto

6 VotesPoll ended on: 12/8/2022

tell me some more super investors with investment approach of Terry smith of Fundsmith.

I don't know about them having the exact same style as Smith but try:

• Chuck Akre
• Peter Lynch
• François Rochon
• Nick Sleep

You might enjoy their work!
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All stocks acquired in this year's crash.
rate my portfolio out of 10
22%= > 9

9 VotesPoll ended on: 12/4/2022

Not a fan of Square, Netflix. Not too fond of Adobe after the horrendous Figma acquisition and can't say much about LULU, DDOG and Marketaxess. Overall a lot quality, 7/10
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