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Cameron McFarlane
$10.9M follower assets
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What would $TSM be trading at if there was no geopolitical risk being located in Taiwan?
I’ve recently been nibbling on this name. I’m sure if there was a invasion the stock would be destroyed but it would be accompanied by big tech, $AAPL, $NVDA etc.
Would love to hear people’s thoughts?

Me and my boy were taking about this last week. Honestly ever since this nvidia run started I’ve said TSM should be valued higher than them. Only reason it’s not is because of geopolitical risk. Still believe they should be valued more than nvidia. They are probably the most important company in the world. Yes more than Apple too and only reason they don’t get recognition is geopolitical risk
Google Cloud ☁️
Google Cloud was defiantly the highlight of $GOOG 2023 Q1 earnings, largely because it derived its first profitable quarter.

  • Revenues were $7.5 billion for the quarter, up 28%.
  • Operating income of $191 million, operating margin was 2.6%

CEO, Sundar Pichai mentioned in the last 3 years GCP’s annual deal volume has grown nearly 500%, with large deals over $250 million growing more than 300%. There is defiantly a lot of demand for Google’s Cloud, nearly 60% of the worlds largest 1,000 companies are Google Clouds customers.

I’m interested to see if the profitability of Google’s Cloud business will continue from here. I feel like it could be a little wobbly for the next few quarters, being the first quarter of profitability, with a little help from accounting changes.

I’m still long $GOOG

It is exciting though and will be interesting to see if it continues long term. Thanks for sharing 🙏
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Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF 💰$0.59/share (14.7% increase YoY)
$SCHD with their first dividend of the year and typically the lowest of the year coming in at $0.59/share a 14.7% increase YoY.
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Question on Next Weeks Volatility…
I own a small position in $JEPI. With next weeks expected volatility in the call market. Should I expect the monthly dividend to increase?

Any help would be much appreciated

Juicy Earnings Next Week
I’ve only got $AMZN but I’m sure it’s going to be a wild week
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I hate how Starbucks reports with the 3 headed monster. Earnings get over looked every time. Oh well. I got Starbucks next week. Also eyeing caterpillar solely for the DE purpose. Also eyeing T mobile.
$TTWO 5Y performance is well and truely down now…
Since it launched in 2013, GTA V and GTA Online have been reliable smash hits for Take-Two. However, it appears as if the title’s sales have slowed down. To date, Grand Theft Auto V has sold more than 170 million units worldwide.

GTA 6 isn’t expected until 2024 at the very earliest, where does the stock go from here?

No position.
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