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πŸ“ˆ Monthly Portfolio Update
Pie chart reflects my current portfolio but does not show $FNGU position due to an issue syncing data for that ETF.
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Portfolio is invested using the Optimum Mix we developed at Leveraged Momentum. The FREE Leveraged Momentum newsletter is sent every sixth day the NYSE is open for trading and provides all the details needed to get started and maintain over time including specific, quick, and easy trades. Invest just 10 minutes less than once per week reading the short newsletter and placing simple trades to align part of a portfolio with the updated Optimum Mix and accelerate your progress toward financial freedom. The next regular Leveraged Momentum newsletter/trading day is October 4. Click here for link to list of actual trades placed since January 1, 2021, using the Optimum Mix.

Every day is a good day to pursue your goals and dreams of financial independence but the time required can be minimized using aggressive investing to allow you to live an abundant life sooner! Any questions or feedback? cash $UPRO $FNGU $NVDA $TSLA $ADBE $AMZN $GOOG $MA
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