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Virtu at ~$18 is an asymmetric situation: get paid to hedge from a market crash.
In this article, I’ll explain my Virtu Financial thesis in a few charts.

Virtu shines when panic spikes
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Virtu is one of the rare companies that raise when the VIX (volatility index) spikes and the market crashes.
How is this possible?

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Virtu, as a market maker, supports market liquidity by providing a bid and ask price for securities (mainly US Equity).
> It makes money from the spread it is able to capture from people buying and selling.
Virtu makes more money when:
  • Volume is high;
  • The bid-Ask spread is high.

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Virtu’s dream situations are crashes like in 2020, which presented an appealing combination of high volatility and wide spreads.
As a market maker, Virtu’s role is to always provide a bid and an asking price to facilitate transactions. This means that Virtu doesn't care about the direction of markets: Virtu cares about investors keep trading.

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We could synthesize Virtu’s Trading Income by the following conditions:
  • High VIX = high income;
  • Low VIX = low income.

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