Underwhelming trading update today before the AGM by Transense Technologies $TRT.L:
▫️Revenue +13% in the first 4 months of the current FY which is below Managements expectations
▫️iTrack royalty continues to rise, but more slowly than historic run rate
▫️Translogik & SAW revenues with no growth compared to prior period. Return to growth expected for 2nd half of the FY
▫️short-term orderbook indicate an upturn, therefore mgmt expects to meet expectations for the FY
▫️Profit before taxi increased threefold
▫️net cash of £1.72m
▫️no decision regarding the MoU with Parker Meggitt this year (previously they announced a decision until 31 Dec) due to organisational changes at Meggitt after the acquisition by Parker after the announcement of the MoU
▫️active recruiting to accelerate pipeline conversion
▫️new patents for SAWsense IP base
▫️company continues to buy back own shares
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