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Mathematics, data, and (quantitative) finance nerd
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The Game of Funds: Top Quant Funds & Market Makers
In the world of finance, countless funds strive for supremacy, each bringing unique strategies and innovative approaches to the table.
Today, I’ll provide an overview of the houses of quant funds and market makers.
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House Renaissance: The Dragons of the Market
In the realm of quant funds, Renaissance Technologies, long-led by the legendary James Simons, reigns supreme, much akin to House Targaryen, of George R. R. Martin's fantasy series.
Just as Targaryens commanded dragons to blaze new trails, Renaissance harnessed the power of advanced mathematical models and machine learning algorithms to blaze trails in the financial world.

Their legendary flagship fund, the Medallion Fund, is often considered the golden standard of quantitative trading due to its exceptional returns.

As of February 2023, Renaissance Technologies has >$106B assets under management (AUM)

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