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Great deal, but are the articles helpful?
Is it worth it to subscribe to Marketwatch? I usually just read the free articles on MW or Seeking Alpha (I’m an amateur investor). This seems like a good deal though, but just curious what everyone else pays for to read?
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If you're relatively new to investing and you aspire to be a long-term, business-oriented investor, our opinion is your money is probably better spent on books and other non-expiring knowledge sources.
We don't subscribe to any market news sources anymore because 98% of the articles tend to be short-term in nature. Almost all retail investors won't have any edge by acting on short-term news. The information tends to be more suited to short-term traders. The usefulness of this information is irrelevant to long-term investors. The important news about the businesses behind any stocks you follow will be adequately covered in publicly available articles and the company's own quarterly reporting.
Morgan Housel encapsulates this idea in the following quote. It's quite brilliant.
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Is it a good idea to wait to buy until rates go up in 2 weeks?
Curious what others think - I’ve been more consistently contributing to my portfolio since last year. Basically transferring the same amount of cash every month into my brokerage acct and then adding into my top positions every month. With the rate hike coming soon, is it wise to wait and see what happens or just add positions before that if the price works for me?
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You'll get every take from "they were already priced in" to "market was still considering the 10% (current) chance at hikes being held off" take - and reality is there is no way to know. I think for me personally, there are so many narratives at play driving short term sentiment at the moment that it is wise to sit back and digest and not make any rash decisions. Small adds here and there but keep plenty of dry powder.
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