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Prem Watsa : Insurance Float
Prem Watsa, the Canadian Warren Buffett, on float .

Float is what makes insurance companies so attractive to investor like Warren Buffett, Tom Gayner and Prem Watsa.

Which insurance companies do you own ?
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Dollar a cost Averaging
Saw a tweet on Dollar Cost Averaging into a stock

That just doesn’t make sense to me .

Let’s say you hypothetically you want to DCA into Amazon

Studies show that stock prices oscillate widely around a central price every year.

And at certain prices a good business is no longer a good investment.

So DCA will force you to buy in m, when the business is overvalued due to the natural volatility of the market .

You can’t just buy into a stock at any price and expect to outperform

Substack: Nick Sleep
Nick Sleep once used the services of an Investment Bank.

He asked them to run a screen( which I mention in my newsletter post ) and it yielded 7 companies .

To know these companies check out my newsletter.

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Nick Sleep's Secret Sauce: How a Maverick Investor's Insights Can Supercharge Your Returns
Insights from Nick Sleep's Playbook

Phil Carret
I’ve received requests to cover Phil Carret, who Warren Buffett views as one of his Investment hero’s.

He has actually written two books. The first : The Art of Speculation is relatively popular but I’m sure you haven’t heard about the second .

Read on to know about his book

A Money Mind at Ninety

  1. The Art of Speculation

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The Art of Speculation
"The Art of Speculation is laden with insights and studies that are as fresh today as newly cut grass . . . a joy to read. The topics covered were timeless in 1931 . . . and written in 24-carat prose." -from the Foreword by Victor Niederhoffer A classic in every sense of the word, The Art of Spec...

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