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Dylan Patel
$17.6M follower assets
Chief Analyst at SemiAnalysis - Bridging the gap between business and the worlds most important industry.
9 following1,077 followers
TSMC’s 3nm Conundrum, Does It Even Make Sense?
N3 & N3E Process Technology & Cost Detailed

Shrinking finally costs more, Moore's Law is now dead in economic terms
TSMC’s 3nm Conundrum, Does It Even Make Sense? – N3 & N3E Process Technology & Cost Detailed
Shrinking finally costs more, Moore's Law is now dead in economic terms

Marvell's Vision - A deep dive into $MRVL
Custom Silicon, CXL, DPUs, Ethernet, Optical, Telecom, Storage, Automotive, SerDes
2025 Revenue & EPS
Transforming into the leader in infrastructure silicon
7,000 words and over 100 embedded images
Marvell's Vision – Custom Silicon, CXL, DPUs, Ethernet, Optical, Telecom, Storage, Automotive, SerDes, 2025 Revenue & EPS
Transforming into a leader in infrastructure silicon - EPS estimates

Datacenters used 1% to 1.5% of worldwide power in 2010.
By 2030, datacenters will consume 3% to 13%!
If datacenter power consumption growth is extrapolated to 2050, it dwarfs current power generation capabilities!
Some say this is a problem due to sustainability issues
IMO, humanity, or the AGI that wipes us out, won't stop until there's a Dyson Sphere!
post mediapost media

ASML & The Semiconductor Market In 2025 & 2030 - A critical look at ASML's long-term projections and assumptions
The FREE report will discuss ASML's semiconductor industry growth by subsegment, including Smartphones, PCs, Consumer Electronics, Wired/Wireless, Datacenter, Automotive, and Industrial Electronics.

Riddled throughout, we poke some holes in the 1st party ASML information.

ASML somehow came up with nearly $100T in semiconductor sales for the entire world's power generation to be reinstalled with modern solar and wind.

We talk about wafer starts per month by process technology group.
This includes annual additional wafer starts by year.

We also have a lengthy discussion about the regionalization of the semiconductor industry and why the CHIPS Act will fail.

WFE intensity, litho intensity, inefficiencies of distributed manufacturing, design starts, AR, VR, the general WFE market, and more are also discussed.

We even have a small discussion on ASML's boomer-ass CEO lecturing us "kids"
Because even he has the boomer superiority complex.
ASML & The Semiconductor Market In 2025 & 2030
A critical look at ASML's long term projections and assumptions

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