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Top investors this month
Jeff Sanders
$11.6M follower assets
Investing in stocks that some are considered to be unnatural. Tech, Crypto, and Growth based strategy for investing. Power of the Dark Side!
93 following147 followers
4/19/24 Port Performance Bloodbath Edition
-2.61% decline for the day
-6.55% decline for the week
-8.45% decline for MTD
+7.00% gain for YTD

YTD gains cut in half this week. Lots of shit going on.
post mediapost media

4/12/24 Port Performance
-1.76% decline for the day.
-1.02% decline for the week.
-2.03% decline for MTD.
+14.50 gain for YTD.
post mediapost media

4/2/24 Port Performance
-0.64% decline for the day and -0.26% decline for yesterday.

Anticipating a correction for Q2 with higher for longer now in play in terms of interest rate environment.
post mediapost media

3/28/24 and Month-End Port Performance
-0.36% decline for the day
+1.12% gain for the month
+16.78% gain YTD
post mediapost media

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