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Chris Miller
41 following17 followers
$SPY 2022 finish
After the $WMT miss opportunity, I can't help but circle back to S&P500 EOY targets.

All year I held the belief that 3950 was a great number. Today, I'm considering it should be even lower. It's hard to ignore the perma-bears here after labor Day (not to mention the bond market).

What's your S&P 500 EOY target?

Financial Podcasts: Share your list
Hello Commonstock friends.

Excerpts from the latest one:
"I'm waiting for something to break"
"Companies can't make money today if the want to...(bc they want to be profitable 5-10 years from now)"
"how us the alpha"
"Invest were you are comfortable"

Which others I should subscribe to that the algorithm is missing?

Share your favorite quote from your recent favorite below

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