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Ala's avatar
Intel has the lowest PE in the semicon. indus. ~12 vs. ~30. The company is still by far a monopoly when it comes to the server CPU market. from a DCF and fundamental point of view i think it's cheap. I have been following Pat Gelsinger for some time in VMware. I believe if anyone can turn around the company's technological issues it would be him. I think it could be a profitable turn around story and thought to share it..
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In a world like silicon manufacturing where the lead times are measured in years, how does Intel catch up to all the ground it's lost to Nvidia and Intel? I hope they can make a comeback so that there is competition in desktop silicon again.
Ala's avatar
$SNDL Next Short Squeeze
Today I bought 0.5$ and 1$ Call Options, Its a small CAP trending on Reddit, todays Volume was 3x the 3month average. Given the market mania it might be a nice bet, definitely a trade not an investment. :)
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