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10-K Diver
$832.6k follower assets
I teach people the fundamental concepts of finance and investing.
0 following139 followers
AMA: Investing Concepts with 10-K Diver [Fri, 2021-Dec-17, 10am ET]
Hello Commonstock community!

For those of you who don't know me, I’m 10-K Diver. I teach finance and investing concepts via Twitter (@10kdiver).

I've written Twitter threads about many concepts relevant to investors — DCFs, Inflation, Portfolio Sizing, etc. You can find them here.

Feel free to ask me about your favorite thread, or something else entirely!


Thank you all, folks! This was so much fun!
10-K Diver

Hey 10K! First comment :)

My question for you is, longer term, what do you intend to do with this awesome brand you have created? You provide so much great educational content, will you ever expand outside of threads?

Thanks, love your work!
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