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Zach M.
25 following18 followers
The "Happy Wife, Happy Wife" Portfolio
Yesterday on Twitter I came across a tweet by @fatbaby that made me stop and think. He was constructing his fiancé's portfolio and wanted to ensure he was picking businesses that she knew. It made me wonder, "am I doing the same for my wife?"

My wife is a rock star—she's a super mom, prudent CPA, and member of multiple community leadership teams—but she doesn't have the time to think about portfolio construction. She knows I love it, so she lets me do it for her. In her portfolio are several businesses she knows, but also several that she doesn't. That's not a huge concern, but I want her to feel invested in the businesses she owns. I would argue it's hard to do that for businesses you don't really know. Another thing about my wife is that she's more risk averse than I am—another reason why knowing her investments will help during large drawdowns.

To help encourage her in her investing journey, I've come up with a portfolio of stocks I'm calling the "Happy Wife, Happy Life" Portfolio. The goals are:
  • Outsized returns relative to low-cost S&P 500 index fund
  • Within my wife's circle of competence and within her "best vision of our future" (shout-out David Gardner, The Motley Fool)
  • Less than 25% that she will "take my word for" *
  • Not too many stocks but not too few
  • 3 year minimum holding period

The "Happy Wife, Happy Wife" Portfolio
Each bullet represents a 5% portfolio allocation (multiple on one line are split evenly)

*= "take my word for it"

How do you handle contructing family members' portfolios? Any recommendations or tips? Any you would exchange, remove or add?

i just posted a memo playing off of this :) if it bothers you at all i will take down, just couldn't believe how similar our experiences are!
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