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Each week, I invest $100 in a different stock, sharing the whole process.
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Can anyone explain what will happen now to Twitter shareholders? Will the brokerage go ahead and sell our shares? Should we sell now?

The deal will close in 6 months. But I don’t want to wait.

The current price is $51.70. The buyout price is $54.20. So you'll essentially get paid another 4.8% in gains if you wait out the entire period. If you think it's not worth the wait, you can sell!
Serious question: why be on Commonstock if you are not sharing your portfolio?

I would recommend reading the responses to this post from @nathanworden

But, some people can't (compliance, or we don't support their broker yet), others don't want to, which is fine too.

Whilst Commonstock is a 'tool', its also a community, a place to share research, ask questions, and make connections. Connected brokerage is not compulsory for that.

I don't have a brokerage connected (not supported), but I share research, find research, have thoughtful conversations, etc.
Bitcoin is no longer an uncorrelated asset. If you are investing in Bitcoin as a hedge against the broader market, are you going to be looking elsewhere?

Source: Axios
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Bitcoin is clearly correlated with the market. It's an high speculative way to invest money, and it is of course correlated to more speculative instruments. Thinking it was an hedge against the market was never true..
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