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Bought 18% more MCD $305 Calls
9/15/2023 Exp, Opening

Nathan Worden's avatar
sam stribling's avatar
@nathanworden yes! Still been working! Hope that it continues to do so!
Nathan Worden's avatar
As volatility hedge— MCD outpaces the Dow itself.
$MCD has consistency in earnings.
Food prices are going up (still true)
Nathan Worden's avatar
How has the Mcdonalds App been doing? Sounds like it continues to be helpful?
sam stribling's avatar
@nathanworden they have been leading in tech generally. Great app plus the automations they have been putting into the stores it’s pretty incredible
Nathan Worden's avatar
@strib They should come out and say McDonalds is a technology business! haha "One of the top rated apps on the app store!" / "Digital Real Estate" / "It's a Metaverse play!" 😄
sam stribling's avatar
Still sitting at #1!

Nathan Worden's avatar
@strib We're number 1!
sam stribling's avatar

The WSJ just heard us and wrote an article 😂 literally came out 10 mins ago
sam stribling's avatar
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