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Bought <1% more EXPI
eXp World at $21.39

What made you took position in this counter? Their real time search or that they build 3D world?
Nathan Worden's avatar
@kckc This^ buy is a dividend reinvestment.
Originally bought $EXPI in August of 2020.

Back in 2020 I was talking with the manager of one of the more successful Keller Williams shops in Orange County, CA. He was noticing eXp World's growth and how Keller Williams was starting to have to compete pretty hard against eXp. He said despite eXp being a competitor, he was buying their stock because he respected their game.

I started a position and it's been a wild ride. Haven't ever added to it.

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@nathanworden It's about a nice time to add since it's reinvestment, but graph does not look like it's turning up yet.
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