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Sold 33% of TSLA
24.81% GAIN
Tesla at $1,061.41
Sold The Majority of My $TSLA Position
My favorite move from this past month was my only move.

I sold ~75% of my $TSLA position. I rarely sell winners so this was hard for me, but it seems to me like the market has already rewarded $TSLA for much of its potential.

Selling the 75% that was in my non-taxable account was the perfect solution for me. I now get to deploy a meaningful amount of capital into other ideas while maintaining some exposure & not paying taxes on the position.

Let me know if you have an idea I should look at!
I’m starting to slowly deploy the cash from the $TSLA shares I sold.

I bought $PINS yesterday

Next week I’ll be considering:

Do you all have any ideas I should take a look at this weekend?

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