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Bought 100% more PYPL
PayPal at $196.68
Bought more $PYPL ~ $127,350 total position

  • 12/17 $230 Calls ~ 40 contracts for a total premium of $7,000.

  • 600 Shares at $200.89

1st time since IPO $PYPL is down 5 weeks in a row ~ -36% from ATH.

“Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure” ~ Rumi

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If you look at $PYPL weekly chart, you’ll notice the following;
  1. MACD and RSI have NEVER been this stretched to the downside
  1. The chart looks worse than it looked back in 2020 as Covid hit the markets
  1. 150D EMA is support?

then you’ll think to yourself, WTF is going on
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Holding Full $PYPL ~ $127,350 total position

  • 12/17 $230 Calls ~ 40 contracts for a total premium of $7,000. ~ -87.4%

  • 600 Shares at $200.89 ~ -7.5%

Did I try catching a falling knife, yes.
Is the bleeding difficult to watch, yes.
Does it hurt, yes.
Any regrets, NONE!

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The quickest way to generate exponential positive returns is to have a concentrated portfolio. Its also the quickest way to generate negative return. $PYPL
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What mean reversion looks like. One white line that cuts through the air pocket and catches the trend. mic drop

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