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Vinoth @ The Equity Force
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Value migration play. Which value migration/trends are you tracking?

I don’t use targets or stop losses with some of the secular trends- cloud, cloud security, new databases etc.

I realised this by selling $TTD and $NVDA for a good profit missing out on great profits.

Trade desk play was offline to digital advertising- value migration/trend is still on play.

Nvidia- Commoditised Chips to high specialised chips.
I had $AMD for the same reason but sold it after a short report came out.

$SNOW Part 2 published on substack.
Reason why I like the data marketplace opportunity
  • New Category
  • Breaking down barriers- Removing friction
  • Exploding data exchanges between companies
  • Network effects
  • Stickiness - switching costs are high
  • Monetize data asset - new revenue opportunity for companies

$DDOG “shift left strategy” - devs will like this observability.
post media

Is it fair to define 'shift left testing' as:

Moving the testing phase to earlier stages of the development life cycle.

  • Identify and resolve more bugs before they reach production and become too costly, time consuming, and risky to fix
  • Automate more integration and delivery workflows and tests (which reduces the risk of human error and frees up developers)
  • Teams can share ownership of testing responsibilities.

So would a 'shift left strategy' essentially be bringing data observability earlier to a development process?
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Wrote a memo explain the problem that $SNOW solves in today's market and how it is laying the foundations to capture a bigger opportunity. Check out the memo on my profile.

Please share your feedback, what you liked and what you want to see in my research. Thank you.

Thanks for sharing, just reading it this morning
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