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New Watchlist Position
After adding $AMD last week with everyone's help, I am returning to figure out which new stock to pick with your guidance.

I love getting feedback and a sense of sentiment towards various companies on here and look forward to continuing these and learning from you all.

Since $LULU was a very close 2nd place last week, I'll bring it back for this week's poll.

The other three companies, however, are some of the most well-known stocks on earth that I never got around to buying: $NFLX, $META, and $TSLA.

It's time to potentially put an end to it my non-ownership with your help.

Thank you for your insights and for helping me expand my investing world. 🙏
Which stock should a buy for a new watchlist position?
45%Lululemon Athletica
19%Meta Platforms

31 VotesPoll ended on: 8/17/2022

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