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September Watchlist Update
I have reviewed my watchlist and updated my potential Birthday Buys for the month of September. As we move closer to January, I am getting more clarity into what I will be buying.
Looking at both portfolios right now, the most intriguing additions are in my Roth IRA. The top rated holdings in my Taxable watchlist are all industrials type companies ($DE, $F, $CAT, and $DMLP). Seeing that I already have Industrials exposure in that account through $CARR, making another Industrials addition would only further clutter and dilute my portfolio.
In my Roth IRA, I have a number of very strong potential buys with $OZK, $RICK, $CAH and $LMT topping the list. As I have said before, I do not like to be influenced by share price, but with Merrill Edge not offering fractional shares, $LMT might be priced out for me in the short term.
Here is my updated watchlist for both accounts and changes that were made:
$PENN - Has dropped to a 4/6 on my Scorecard. $RICK has moved ahead of it at a 4.5/6. I have existing exposure in Sin Stocks, so I want to be certain with any new additions.
Added: None
Roth IRA
$REGN - Dropped to a 4.5/6 on my Scorecard. $CAH is a higher ranked Healthcare company at a 5.5/6 on the Scorecard and will be my Healthcare focus.
$WM - Its back! After being removed in August, $WM has climbed up to tie $AY as Utilities options at 5/6 rankings.
$TPR - Surprised to see this climb up to a 5/6. Have been tracking for a while after learning about its brands. Will continue to track.
Would like to hear any of your thoughts on the companies mentioned to help add to my research on these positions.

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