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The Real Reason The Stock Market Is Down
  • On average over the past century, according to an analysis conducted by Ned Davis Research, the S&P 500 has performed better when its EPS was lower than a year previously — not higher.

  • Over the past year, the U.S. stock market’s P/E multiple (based on trailing 12 months’ GAAP EPS) has fallen to below 20 from more than 30. Had the multiple remained constant, the S&P 500 today would be 28% higher than a year ago. In fact, it is 6% lower.

  • So if earnings aren’t going down, then the P/E multiple is to blame which means there are some companies out there with strong earnings that you could pick up at a real bargain in this environment.

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The Real Reason The Stock Market Is Down
P/E multiple contraction is the main driver of falling share prices.

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