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Thoughts on Crypto?
I haven't invested in any cryptos other than $ETH.X & $DOGE.X for a bit, after dogecoin, i feel like the space became congested with memecoins and it lost my attention.

Do you see potential in the future of cryptocurrency? If so, how soon?

Which cryptos do you think could be most beneficial to our society?

$HNT.X is one I have been researching recently, and will start mining for it at my job. (my boss has been very interested in mining, and I get to get the miners started, lol.) They are creating a network tethered by radio hotspots that are owned by consumers, its called the peoples network. People who own miners get paid in $HNT.X when their miners complete tasks, this is called Proof-of-Work(PoW) , and the more miners there are around you, the more tasks can be accomplished.
There are multiple interesting resources already built onto this network, I suggest hitting up Heliums website if you would like to read more about it.

Feel free to hit me up anytime if you are interested in the mining aspect of cryptocurrency. thats where i can help ya out. Would love to learn about more cryptos though and maybe start investing in some.

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