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Digital Turbine $APPS Earnings Call Highlights!
Digital Turbine $APPS delivered great results yesterday, and the earnings call was full of bullish comments on the future of the company. Here are a few quotes that stood out to me.

  • "After trying for many years, we proved in 2021, there's a real business with SingleTap as the growth broke out in a major way as revenues increased 800% year-over-year."
Fyber Operating Leverage:
  • "Fyber's full quarterly results were impressive, showcasing year-over-year growth of nearly 50%. Even more impressive is Fyber's EBITDA increased over 150% and year-over-year. In other words, Fyber is not only accelerating growth on the top line, but it's now at that critical inflection point of scale that enables accelerating operating leverage in the core business."
Device Footprint:
  • "We've now passed over 800 million devices that our software has been installed on, including 68 million in the December quarter. We're excited to begin working with new partners such as Oppo and Vivo and are also excited to begin expanding further with existing partners such as Samsung and Telefonica."
Lifetime Monetization:
  • "Our revenues from Dynamic Installs grew by over 20% year-over-year in the December quarter, but now only represent 15% of our total consolidated revenues compared to over 50% last year, as the company has been repositioned to a monetization over the life of the device company versus just the monetization first activation company."
  • "Given our unique position with operators and OEMs, we see today's regulatory environment as a tailwind, not a headwind for our business."

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