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Stock Repurchase
There are multiple ways in which companies can create value for their shareholders, one of them is by buying back stocks in the open market.

This reduces the amount in circulation, which increases the price of each share now outstanding.

Some incredible examples:

  • $AAPL Apple has bought around 40% the shares outstanding in the past decade, spending over 500bn dollars.

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  • $TXN Since 2004, Texas Instruments has bought back more than 50% of shares outstanding, spending over 48bn dollars

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  • $SHW Since 1984, Sherwin Williams has been steadily buying back its shares. It now has bought 54% of the shares outstanding.

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Some share repurchase plans looking forward:

$PYPL 10bn
$NVDA 12bn

And keep an eye on $GOOGL, that has spent over 50bn dollars in last year alone.
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