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I just saw the $GME news that they want to seek shareholder approval to issue more stock, with the intention to split it.. I have never seen a move like this.

I find it interesting as they want to increase shares from 300M to 1B said another way to more than triple the shares then split them..

I have seen splits, and I have seen issuances, but I have never seen both like this. I recognize the stock is disconnected from fundamental reality but what are peoples thoughts on a move like this?

Especially since the entire $GME saga has been based on the ability to control and corner their shares outstanding I question if this is a smart move by leadership. I also do not understand why they would not just do one or the other.
Is this a good strategic move for $GME?
60%No - But Apes Strong Together

10 VotesPoll ended on: 4/3/2022

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