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Just setup my teenagers on an IB acct
I have a small account on my name, which I don’t use anymore. I sent that a small amount for my kids to structure their approach and gave them some resources to check out that I got on fintwit and via some great content publishers:
They came up with the following allocation:
10% arbitrage ($ATVI $VMW ) - immediate - passive
13% index funds ($SMH $VOO - using DCA) - passive
20% A rated cos ($NVDA $TSLA $GOOGL - using DCA) - passive
25% income generating stable cos ($TXN $AAPL $ASML ) - passive
32% other - bonus ideas, learning about special situations (like the rush to energy this year, rush to ecommerce during covid, etc) - semi-active
They’ve also come up with a mission statement - “to experiment, to learn, to grow”
Their philosophy:
  1. don’t time the market
  2. Own companies or industries that will survive and adapt over the long run
  3. Journal decisions both good and bad to look back on
  4. Own companies that are growing, transparent, and where management pride themselves on having a good reputation
Tools they have access to:
  2. Ycharts to visualize company performance trends and compare charts
  3. Yahoo finance
Thoughts and feedback/experience in dealing with teens & investing welcome!!
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