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How does Constellation Software operate?
Very interesting Constellation Software expert call. Discusses some things around the "M&A machine" and Lumine, which is expected to start trading next week.

(You can read the full call using this link, there's a two-week free trial and no need to enter payment information of any kind.)

Some highlights below:

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"Reached out directly to Mark Leonard. I sent him an email, said "You've prescribed this thesis. If you're looking for companies like this, here's how I fit the mold."

He replied back to me in 24 hours, sent me on to his M&A guy at Constellation named Shahzad."

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"Aren't you going to just walk me out the door just like normal M&A happens here?"

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"In their massive Salesforce instance, where they're tracking all companies and activity and reach outs for M&A activity, we weren't in there. We were the anomaly."

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Companies are allocated based on who touched them last:
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Decentralization taken to the extreme:

"If you want to have a purely financial services slant and build a portfolio of companies within Lumine so that you're going to manage, you could do that"

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Most of the profit in telecom and therefore in Lumine is found in the service agreements:

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And Lumine has high switching costs:

"Once you're entrenched in a telco, it's a large project in order to pull something out to replace it."

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Constellation sometimes follows the Transdigm model:

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Price increases were "mandatory", but it was up to the BU leaders to decide how much the market could withstand:

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(You can read the full call using this link, there's a two-week free trial and no need to enter payment information of any kind.)
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