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🤝 Deal or No Deal? 🤝
In July, Unity $U announced a deal to buy ironSource $IS. On Tuesday, AppLovin $APP made a bid to acquire Unity for $58.85/share, 18% above the stock’s price at the time. Under the terms of the deal, Unity would have to abandon its deal with $IS.

What should Unity $U do, acquire, or get acquired?!

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Leader of the pack?

AppLovin $APP generates $3.42B in revenue which is almost three times Unity’s $U $1.2B and almost five times ironSource’s $IS $623m.

You can look at the detail here.

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Or falling behind?

AppLovin $APP has the slowest revenue growth rate at 3.6% compared to Unity $U at 36.3% and ironSource $IS at 58.4%. $APP isn’t exactly operating from a position of strength based on how it stacks up.

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Cash is king

Growth aside, AppLovin $APP has generated the greatest cash flow over the past 12 months.

You can view these companies' FCF details here.

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🤝 Deal or No Deal? 🤝

Leon's avatar
interesting comparison 👌🏻
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