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How big will the biggest company be in ten years?
I'm curious to hear any thoughts or feedback on the question above, both in terms of market cap and revenue. I put together the following chart which shows the revenue every 5 years of the company who at that time had the most revenue. The red circle is consensus estimates for Amazon in 2024, and the red oblique line is the line of best fit spit out by excel - implying a noticeable acceleration.

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This next table shows which company was the largest by revenue (remember, it's a snapshot not an which one had the most revenue over the whole five year period). The growth rate since 1955 calculates from each year (e.g. 1990) what the total compounded growth rate was from 1955 to that year.
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The only companies that look like they have a prayer of catching up (by revenue) are China's oil giants and Aramco - but these companies are all subject to commodity prices and are effectively controlled by the respective governments so I don't really think they should count. Here's the list of top companies by revenue today:

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So, does any company have a chance at beating Amazon to $700B in revenue? Looking out 10 years what companies do people think have a chance at being number 1 by revenue?

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